Inline Webtop Documentation

Inline Webtop Documentation


FarCry now provides a generic content page for each subsection that displays information about menu items. Previously when a new tab in the webtop was opened, or subsection selected from the drop down list, the main content area would remain blank. This page now extracts information from the webtop XML to display. This means that developers can highlight or explain particular menu items.

Adding inline documentation

By default a menu item isn't displayed in the inline documentation.

There are two options for adding inline documentation to a menu item, either directly within the webtop xml configuration file or alternatively drawn from the component metadata of a specific content type.

Webtop Config is XML

Remember, the webtop config is an XML file. Make sure your description of help text only uses valid characters. If you invalidate the XML it won't work. For example, avoid & and use & instead.

Webtop menu element

There are currently no options available for the webtop menu element.

Webtop menuitem element


The description attribute allows you to nominate a short text description to appear in the sub-section overview. The title and link will be taken from the menuitem elements label and link attributes.

Plugin or Project Custom Admin XML
  label="Image Resize" 
  description="This utility allows you to resize thumbs across the entire media library." />


The icon is optional, but if you choose you can add a png graphic to your plugin or project and use it as the icon. For example, you might add calipers.png to the project, and icon="calipers" to a particular menu item.

Plugin or Project Custom Admin XML
  label="Image Resize" 
  description="This utility allows you to resize thumbs across the entire media library."
  icon="calipers" />


If you specify a relatedtype, the inline documentation will load the type's description attribute (or hint if description isn't available) and icon. Referencing the content type will also attempt to load the type's default icon. If your icons directory contains a PNG with the name of the type.

Plugin or Project Custom Admin XML
  label="Media Library Images" 
  relatedtype="dmImage" />


The inline documentation makes use of the updated i18n functionality to translate descriptions.