Workflow Framework

Workflow Framework

Workflow framework was not updated for FarCry 6.x+. Whilst the framework was awesome, very few folks found the need to use it beyond the original community sponsoring its development. If complex workflow scenarios are for you, and your company would like to sponsor the upgrade of this sub-system for later versions of FarCry please contact modius@daemon.com.au.


FarCry 5.0 incorporates a sophisticated task based workflow engine. The engine is not exposed in any of the distributed plugins and needs to be activated through your own bespoke development.

This engine should not be confused with the basic draft->pending->approved workflow process that is applied to content types extending the ./types/versions component.

Working Papers

The initial working paper has been implemented with some minor variations.

  File Modified

PDF File workflow-framework.pdf Workflow Framework Working Paper

Aug 12, 2008 by Geoff Bowers