Date/Time Form Field
The date time field renders a javascript calendar widget by default.
Attribute |
Description |
Default Value |
ftStyle |
Inline style attributes. |
width:160px; |
ftDateFormatMask |
Standard ColdFusion date mask options. |
dd mmm yyyy |
ftTimeFormatMask |
Standard ColdFusion time mask options. |
hh:mm tt |
ftCalendarFormatMask |
Formatting mask for JS control. |
%d %b %Y %I:%M %p |
ftToggleOffDateTime |
Boolean toggle for disabling datetime field. |
false |
ftCalendarShowTime |
Boolean toggle for removing time selector field |
true |
ftToggleOffDateTime y2.2k bug
The off/on toggle actually submits a date 200years into the future. We're doing this currently as we've been having trouble working out the difference between an empty date and a date that has been toggled on/off. Any ideas? Call us on 555-y22k
Information about the JS Calendar control, named 'The Coolest DHTML Calendar', can be viewed here.
<cfproperty ftseq="2" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="startDate" type="date" hint="The start date of the event" required="no" default="" ftDefaultType="Evaluate" ftDefault="now()" ftType="datetime" ftDateFormatMask="dd mmm yyyy" ftTimeFormatMask="hh:mm tt" ftToggleOffDateTime="false" ftlabel="Start Date" /> <cfproperty ftseq="3" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="endDate" type="date" hint="The end date of the event" required="no" default="" ftDefaultType="Evaluate" ftDefault="DateAdd('d', 5, now())" ftType="datetime" ftDateFormatMask="dd mmm yyyy" ftTimeFormatMask="hh:mm tt" ftToggleOffDateTime="false" ftlabel="End Date" />