FarCry 5.0 Jump Start Course
FarCry 5.0 Jump Start Course
An Archive of the FarCry 5.0 Jump Start course
Important! Read this.
The latest FarCry Jump Start Course can be found on the Book of FarCry page.
Course Overview
The initial course is designed to run over 2 days. More units are being developed all the time, with the ultimate goal of development teams being able to cherry pick units for tailor made courses.
- UNIT 1 - Introducing the Course--- FarCry Core is a web application framework based on the ColdFusion language. FarCry CMS is a popular content management solution built with FarCry Core. As a community, we provide support for the framework, CMS, and a host of community plugins including libraries for Google Maps, image manipulation, free text searching, and many more.
- UNIT 2 - Installation--- After completing this unit you should be familiar with the specific system requirements and the various options for a typical FarCry installation. Completion of this unit is necessary to set up your local development environment for the rest of the course.
- UNIT 3 - FarCry Overview--- FarCry provides a variety of out-of-the-box services including a comprehensive array of content management options. However, FarCry is in fact a web application framework that can be used to build sophisticated solutions that go way beyond a typical content management platform. One of the first steps to understanding what's possible is getting to grips with what installs by default.
- UNIT 4 - Webskins I--- In this unit we learn about webskins: the "view" for FarCry Framework. Webskins form the presentation tier of any FarCry application. By the end of this unit you should have a basic understanding of how webskins are managed, their relationship to content types and how to create your own.
- UNIT 5 - Content Types--- This unit covers the fundamental building blocks of any FarCry application: the Content Type. By the end of this unit you should be able to create and deploy your own content types.
- UNIT 6 - Content Relationships--- By the end of this unit you will have learnt how to relate content types to one another, using one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. You will be able to create user interfaces to allow editors to select and relate objects from libraries.
- UNIT 7 - Webskins II--- This unit is a workshop to discuss how to hook up different content types in the presentation tier - linking from one view to the next by the content's relationships.
- UNIT 8 - Object Broker--- By the end of this unit you will be able to apply caching to various aspects of your applications to dramatically increase performance.
- UNIT 9 - The Webtop — By the end of this unit you will be able to modify the webtop tabs, sub-sections and menus.
- UNIT 10 - Building Forms — After completing this unit you will be able to build your own FarCry forms to edit and save content objects.
- UNIT 11 - Plugins I--- By the end of this unit, we should have an understanding of how FarCry navigates our project and plugins to find both content type metadata and relevent webskin locations.
- APPENDIX A - Class Setup Notes
Course materials such as demo media and sample files for this specific course are only provided as part of instructor lead training.
Instructor Lead Training
Daemon provides face-to-face and remote, online training for all FarCry courseware. Support the FarCry community: please consider investing in instructor lead training, mentoring and development support for your team. Contact: training@daemon.com.au
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