



David Whiterod (davidwhiterod at gmail dot com)

  File Modified

ZIP Archive ruleFile.zip ruleFile (FarCry custom publishing rule)

Aug 14, 2006 by David Whiterod

RuleFile is based upon the FarCry core's news rule and re-worked for file objects. This rule also adds the ability to choose a field (document date or title) to order by and a order direction.


The Zip file above contains:

  • /packages/rules/ruleFiles.cfc (the rule)
  • /webskin/dmFile/displayTeaser.cfm (display teaser template - standard)
  • /webskin/dmFile/displayTeaserClass.cfm (display teaser template - adds file-based class)
  • /webskin/dmFile/displayTeaserList.cfm (display teaser template - just a list item)
  • /webskin/includes/_cfFunctions.cfm (contains the cflib.org function, FncFileSize used in the displayTeaser templates)


  1. Extract these files into your project directory (ensure files go into the correct folders)
  2. Deployed the rule via the standard FarCry administration interface - Admin. > COAPI Management > COAPI Tools > Rule Classes
  3. Add the rule to the publishing container(s) of your choice.