Developers' Exchange

Developers' Exchange

Please note that files from this space are installed at your own risk.

Daemon provides this space for the FarCry community to share extensions. We do not monitor or guarantee the code that is posted here. Please examine any extensions you download from this space with care. If you find any dangerous or malicious code posted here, please contact us immediately.

Developers' Exchange For FarCry 3.0

FarCry 4.0 community plugins are available on the plugin wiki.

FarCry is deliberately designed to enable developers to extend the CMS framework via customisation extension. This is the location for extensions submitted by the FarCry developer community.

FarCry's flexible and expandable nature make the creation, use (and reuse) and exchange of developers' extensions a real possibility. If you have enhanced FarCry, by making your own extensions, this exchange is for you. If you are looking for ways to extend FarCry and enhance its impressive standard array of features then, again, this exchange is for you.