



Andrew Spencer

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ZIP Archive ruleMenuList.zip Download the ruleMenuList extension

Jan 04, 2006 by David Whiterod

I've built what I hope is a useful tool for this great CMS, but also think this could still use some work... which is the main reason for sending it into the wild (wink) Can't afford any more time on it, but here's my attempt at an instant dropdown menu builder.

ruleMenuList.cfc Custom package rule for building drop-down & tree style menus in containers within a Farcy Site.

Includes style support and a separate style sheet for the display variations.

Only caviat

Version 0.9 - all selected menu objects must be traceable back to the same parent object, for some reason. So unselected navigation nodes in the middle of a branch will keep the menu display function from fully sniffing the whole branch if a few selected items remain deeper along the branch.

Hope it goes to good use.