Create link object report

Create link object report

Create link object report


David Whiterod

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ZIP Archive checkLinkObjects.zip Download the checkLinkObjects extension

Jan 05, 2006 by David Whiterod

checkLinkObjects emails a validity report of all of the link (dmLink) objects on a site. Once setup as a schedualled task checkLinkObjects creates (then emails) the report.


  • The (HTML) email formatting is based on the FarCry core's Statistics Overview Report.
  • The checking for HTML links is done via <cfhttp> method="head".
  • Email links are checked for valid structure only and not for their existence.

Installation instructions

Install by placing the file in your farcry implementation's /system/dmCron/ directory. Then using the FarCry Administrator make a new scheduled task with the checkLinkObjects template.


  • emailTo - REQUIRED emailaddress (comma-separated list) for report addressing
  • httpTimeout - OPTIONAL timeout for check link check (in seconds; default: 10)
  • proxyServer - OPTIONAL used for the cfhttp call
  • proxyPort - OPTIONAL used for the cfhttp call (default: 80)
  • proxyUser - OPTIONAL used for the cfhttp call
  • proxyPassword - OPTIONAL used for the cfhttp call

Argument information

  • If you supply proxyServer argument you must also supply proxyPort
  • If you supply proxyUser argument you must also supply proxyPassword