Google Sitemap Creator

Google Sitemap Creator

Google Sitemap Creator


DEVELOPER: Vincent Egt (GZipping function by David Whiterod)

More about sitemaps from Google

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ZIP Archive googleSitemap.zip Download the FarCry Google sitemaps creator

Jan 04, 2006 by David Whiterod

This zip file contains 1 ColdFusion MX template for use in FarCry CMS.

The googlesitemap.cfm file generates a Google sitemap.xml file (and compressed version - sitemap.xml.gz) in your root application's www directory. This file can be used to make a farcry scheduler job for re-generating the sitemap file.


Install by placing the file in your farcry implementation's /system/dmCron/ directory. Then using the FarCry Administrator make a new scheduled task with the googlesitemap template.

Don't forget to submit the URL of your google sitemap XML file (or GZipped version) to your google account. Interactively running the new scheduled task displays the necessary hyperlinks that will submit the sitemap on your behalf; Google site maps requires you setup a Google account. The good news is: if you have GMail you already have one setup.

(Optional) Usage Arguments

  • startPoint - OPTIONAL UUID - (default: application.navid.home)
  • depth - OPTIONAL Integer - Number of FarCry tree levels to add to the sitemap (default: 0 - all levels)
  • compress - OPTIONAL Boolean - Create a GZipped (compressed) version of the sitemap XML file (default: 0 - don't create GZip file)
  • fileName - OPTIONAL String - file name of the sitemap XML file (default: sitemap)

Have fun ....