Tim Lucas
An FAQ administration system where FAQ questions can exist in multiple categories and can be related to different pages on the website.
- Publishing rules
- Webskin templates
- Custom admin
- Custom type
- Custom config
- Categorisation
Installation instructions
Stage 1 – Deployment:
- Copy the files from the zip into your project directory.
- Modify your customadmin.xml file to include the new custom admin (see bottom of email for example).
- Deploy the custom type.
- Deploy the rules.
- Modify the displayFAQ dmHTML webskin template to match your site's layout (an example set of CSS styles are included in the zip under www/css/faq.css)
Stage 2 – Initial content and publishing rules:
- Create some FAQ categories in the site tree (they're just dmHTML's with the FAQ display method).
- Do a 'preview' of any FAQ category object and assign the publishing rules to the two containers
- Create a category structure similar to FAQ categories structure
- Relate each FAQ category to it's node in the categorisation tree (in the Categorisation PLP step of the dmHTML FAQ category object).
- Add some FAQ questions using the admin tab you setup and relate them to the correct categories.
- All done.
How to use it
- Question categories are created in the site tree as dmHTMLs and given the display method 'displaypageFAQ'
- The question/answers are created in the custom admin 'FAQ'
- FAQs are related to FAQ categories using the categorisation tree
- FAQs can be related to pages in the site tree in the question's "related" PLP step. This can be displayed as a UL under the FAQ to direct users to relevant sections on the site.
- The FAQs themselves are displayed using included publishing rules. These should be applied to the containers in the 'displaypageFAQ' dmHTML display method
Example of adding it to your customadmin.xml
<parenttab permission="MainNavSiteTab">FAQ <subtabs permission="MainNavSiteTab"> <menutitle>FAQ</menutitle> <menuitem> <label>List FAQs</label> <link>/farcry/admin/customadmin.cfm?module=_bosFAQ/list.cfm</link> </menuitem> </subtabs> </parenttab>