fourqTree custom tag
fourqTree custom tag
fourqTree custom tag
Tim Lucas and Gavin Cooney
Custom tag that builds an unordered HTML list (UL) based on a fourq tree query. This extension is based upon farcry_core/tags/webskin/sitemap.cfm (v1.11) written by Daemon (http://www.daemon.com.au).
- attributes.qTreeNav - required
- attributes.bDisplay - default="false"
- attributes.r_sTree - default="r_sTree"
- attributes.bFollowSymLinks - default="true" - regular farcry symlink behaviour
- attributes.bHighlightAncestors - default="false"
- attributes.bHightlightObject - default="false"
- attributes.sHighlightClass - default="active"
- attributes.sHighlightObjectid - required for bHighlightAncestors
- attributes.sID - id to apply to the unordered list
- attributes.sUlTitle - title to apply to the unordered list
, multiple selections available,