Image Gallery

Image Gallery


This is an image gallery plugin for use in FarCry 4.0 and up. The plugin enables users to create individual galleries of multiple photos from the FarCry Admin.

Public View

The plugin creates a gallery listing.

When you select a specific gallery from the listing you can see the images displayed in the manner the content editor selected.

And, finally, when you select an image, the FarCry GreyBox plugin takes over and renders your image and a caption (which comes from the "Title" field of the image).

Admin View

From within the admin console you can deactivate a specific gallery so that it does not display on the site. You can also toggle image captions on and off.

Also included is an option to select the number of images per page and the number of columns per page. Both of these can be important when deciding the typical screen resolution of your audience.


Images can be uploaded into a gallery using the Image Library Utility. The title line of the image utility becomes the caption in the image gallery plugin. Captions can be turned on or off by the content editor.

Content editors can select the number of columns to display on the page. Rows are determined dynamically based on the total number of images. Content editors can also establish the total number of images per page. Plugin handles pagination dynamically.


The image gallery plugin uses the FarCry GreyBox plugin. The image gallery plugin will not work without it.

No license. Feel free to use it an modify it as you see fit. Please provide any changes that you feel are noteworthy.


You can download the code from it's Google Code Home:



Step 1) Copy the zip contents into FarCry --> Plugins.
Step 2) Add "imagegallery" to you application.cfm plugin list.
Step 3) Refresh the application scope.
Step 4) Deploy the type and rule.
Step 5) You should be off and running...!

Step 2 Code: Add imagegallery to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,farcrycfximage,googleMaps,imagegallery" />


I want to thank the community and specifically the following for their resources (in one form or another) because without you guys I would not have figured this out:

Matthew Williams
Trond Ulseth
Jeff Coughlin
Stephen Moretti

And, of course... Geoff for faithfully answering the millions of questions I have posted to the list in the last couple of weeks.