FarCry Picnik

FarCry Picnik


"Photo editing made fun: Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart's content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames."

FarCry Picnik Plugin requires a minimum of FarCry v4.0.0 to function.

Download Picnik Plugin

FarCry 4.0 Plugin

You can grab the code base from the FarCry subversion repository: http://svn1.cvsdude.com/modius/farcry/plugins/farcrypicnik/branches/p100

Or a zip of the plugin on the FishEye site (bottom left): http://fisheye3.cenqua.com/browse/farcrycms/plugins/farcrypicnik/branches/p100

FarCry 5.0 Plugin

You can grab the code base from the FarCry subversion repository: http://svn1.cvsdude.com/modius/farcry/plugins/farcrypicnik/trunk

Or a zip of the plugin on the FishEye site (bottom left): http://fisheye3.cenqua.com/browse/farcrycms/plugins/farcrypicnik/trunk


5,0,x Installation

Add farcrypicnik to your plugin list in the farcryConstructor.cfm file of your project's webroot:

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms,googleMaps,farcryxstandard,farcrypicnik,farcryverity,farcrygreybox,farcryxud" />

Then you will need to set up a web virtual (or alias) of farcrypicnik pointing to the web root of the plugin: ./plugins/farcrypicnik/www

Get an API key of your own from the Picnik website, and install the Picnik API key.

<!--- picnik API: registered for http://www.mydomain.org/ --->
<cfset application.stplugins.farcrypicnik.apiKey="--yourdomainapikeyhere--" />

4,0,x Installation

Add farcrypicnik to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,farcryverity,googleMaps,farcrypicnik" />

Then you will need to set up a web virtual (or alias) of farcrypicnik pointing to the web root of the plugin: ./plugins/farcrypicnik/www

Get an API key of your own from the Picnik website, and install the Picnik API key.

<!--- picnik API: registered for http://www.mydomain.org/ --->
<cfset application.stplugins.farcrypicnik.apiKey="--yourdomainapikeyhere--" />