Form builder plugin (idlForm)

Form builder plugin (idlForm)

Note: New and improved version Nov. 2012

After a way to long time the plugin has been vastly improved and finalized from the version that was released in 2007. 


With this plugin you can let users of FarCry add custom forms to their websites. Each form submission will be emailed to an address that is defined for each form, as well as being logged and available from the FarCry administration.


No documentation for the time being, but please contact trond@idl.no if you should have any questions.

You can watch a introduction video here


This plugin is open-source under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

If you have questions or would like to contribute in further enhancing the plugin, please contact me.

Also if you use the plugin in your FarCry projects I'd love to hear about it.


You can download a zip file with the plugin here: DOWNLOAD.

Download from subversion repository will follow.

Version history

31.07.2007: Published version 0.2
28.11.2012: Published version 1.0 

This plugin is released by IDLmedia AS

Installation Notes for FarCry 6.0

Go to your project folder (www/) and find farcryConstructor.cfm. In there, there should be a line

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms" />  

Change this to include idlform:

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms,idlform" /> 

Update your application, and when you go back to webtop, use the Type/Rules manager (under development admin settings) and deploy the idlform types there. You need to copy the directories and files from the www directory in the plugin to the www directory in your project, or if you can, set up a virtual directory mapping with the name idlform pointing to the www directory in the idlform plugin directory.

If you have suggestions or questions, please contact trond@idl.no