FarCry XStandard

FarCry XStandard


XStandard Plugin requires a minimum of FarCry v4.0.3. The project is in release candidate, and is almost ready for production use.

XStandard is the leading standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for desktop applications and browser-based content management systems (IE/Firefox/Safari/Opera).

The editor generates clean XHTML Strict or 1.1, and uses CSS for formatting, to ensure the clean separation of content from presentation. The editor is keyboard accessible, and markup generated by XStandard meets the most demanding accessibility requirements.

The FarCry community has been given permission to use a special version of XStandard Lite with some Pro features available.

Think XHTML, Accessibility & Web standards


You can grab the code base from the FarCry subversion repository: http://svn1.cvsdude.com/modius/farcry/plugins/farcryxstandard/trunk

Or a zip of the plugin on the FishEye site (bottom left): http://fisheye3.cenqua.com/browse/farcrycms/plugins/farcryxstandard/trunk


XStandard Lite is installed on client machines and will continue to be licensed as freeware. It currently runs:

XStandard runs as a local application that integrates with your browser. If you are going to use this plugin, you will need to ensure that users will be able to install the client locally. Otherwise this may not be the rich text editor for you.

Add farcryxstandard to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,farcryverity,googleMaps,farcryxstandard" />

Then simply reinitialise your application and login to the webtop.

Xstandard can provide close integration with the existing content in your FarCry application. For this you need to make a special XStandard facade available for the XStandard client to talk to FarCry APIs. To activate the facade you will need to include a virtual directory called "farcryxstandard" for your website and point this at the ./plugins/farcryxstandard/www directory.

(Alernatively you can copy the ./plugins/farcryxstandard/www directory into your projects web root under a directory called "farcryxstandard".)


XStandard provides a number of ways to customise the editor:

half baked notes

<!--- formtool metadata --->
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftImageArrayField" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftImageTypename" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftImageField" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftCMSImageLibraryURL" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftCMSAttachmentLibraryURL" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftCMSDirectoryURL" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftEnablePasteMarkup" default="true" type="boolean" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftShowStyles" default="true" type="boolean" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftStyles" default="" type="string" /><!--- url to xml doc; config http://xstandard.com/en/documentation/xstandard-dev-guide/toolbar/styles/ --->
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftCSS" default="" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftToolbarWysiwyg" default="" type="string" /><!--- list of buttons; config http://xstandard.com/en/documentation/xstandard-dev-guide/toolbar/buttons/ --->
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftBase" default="http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/" type="string" />
<cfparam name="arguments.stMetadata.ftEnableTimestamp" default="false" type="string" />

XStandard for FarCry CMS and the FarCry Web Application Framework

Additional XStandard Features Offered Under The Open Source CMS Program

  1. The ability to browse, preview and insert images into the editor from an image library.
  2. The ability to browse and insert hyperlinks from an attachment/link
  3. The ability to browse and insert markup snippets from a library (called "Directory").
  4. The ability to retain structural markup when content is copied and pasted from applications like Microsoft Word.
  5. The ability to change icons via icons.xml file.
  6. The ability to define new buttons via buttons.xml file.
  7. The ability to raise and hook into JavaScript events from custom toolbar buttons.
  8. Support for Heartbeat feature.
  9. The ability to disable the time stamp in View Source.
  10. Customization of the message below XStandard to read "XStandard Lite for your CMS name" instead of the current message which reads: "XStandard Lite freeware version. Pro version available at http://xstandard.com".

XStandard License


Copyright (c) 2006 Belus Technology Inc.

By using the software and documentation, the user expressly agrees that the use of the 
software documentation is at its sole risk. The software and documentation is made 
available on an "as is" basis. Copyright owner does not warrant that the software and 
documentation will meet the user's requirements, or that the operation of the software 
will be uninterrupted or error-free and does not make any warranty whatsoever regarding 
the software and documentation, any information, services or products provided through 
or in connection with the software and documentation, or any results to be obtained 
through the use thereof, and hereby expressly disclaims on behalf of itself and all 
suppliers any and all warranties, including without limitation: any express or implied 
warranties of: 1) merchantability; 2) fitness for a particular purpose; 3) effort to 
achieve purpose; 4) quality; 5) accuracy; 6) non-infringement. Copyright owner shall 
not be liable to the user, or to any third party, for any loss of data, profits, loss 
of use, interruption of business, error, omission, deletion, defect, delay in operation 
or transmission, computer virus, communications line failure, theft or destruction or 
unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of records, whether for breach of contract, 
tortious behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action.

All right, title and interest including, but not limited to, copyright and other intellectual 
property rights in and to the software and documentation are owned by Copyright owner and the 
use of or modification to the software and documentation does not pass to the user any title 
to or any proprietary rights in the software and documentation.

Permission is granted to copy, modify and distribute the software and documentation for any 
purpose and royalty-free, subject to the following: copyright and other intellectual property 
rights in and to the software and documentation must not be misrepresented and this notice 
may not be removed from any source distribution of the software or documentation.

Original License

Screen Shots