


modCaptcha is a FarCry plugin that adds a formtool field using the LylaCaptcha component for captcha validation. The formtool is attached to a boolean property in your content type. Thanks to Peter J. Farrell et al for the captcha code.

modCaptacha was written by Geoff Bowers, Daemon for personal use. The code is released under Apache License 2.0. modCaptcha requires a minimum of FarCry Core 4.04

Raise issues and the like at the modCaptcha Project Home


You may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP:
svn checkout http://modcaptcha.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ modcaptcha


Copy all the modCaptcha plugin files to the plugin directory:


Add modCaptcha to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,modCaptcha,googleMaps" />

You will also need to add a web virtual pointing to the plugin webroot called /modcaptcha:

./plugins/modcaptcha/www --> /modcaptcha

(Alternatively you can copy the files in ./plugins/modcaptcha/www to a subdirectory called ./modcaptcha within the webroot of your project.)

Then simply reinitialise your application to make the formtool available.

How do I implement the captcha?

The formtool is used just the same as any of the formtools you may be familiar with in v4.0 – just create a boolean property and set the fttype="lylacaptcha". The captcha should be automatically created and managed.

Review the following sample code from the Daemonite blog

<cfcomponent extends="farcry.core.packages.types.types" name="blogcomment" displayname="Blog Comment" hint="blog comment">

<cfproperty name="subject" type="string" hint="Subject of comment." required="no" default="" blabel="true" ftlabel="Subject" ftvalidation="required" />
<cfproperty name="description" type="longchar" hint="Comment description." required="no" default="" ftlabel="Description" />
<cfproperty name="commenthandle" type="string" hint="Name or handle of poster." required="no" default="" ftlabel="Name" />
<cfproperty name="email" type="string" hint="Email address of poster." required="no" default="" ftlabel="Email" ftvalidation="validate-email" />
<cfproperty name="website" type="string" hint="Website address of poster." required="no" default="" fttype="url" ftlabel="Website" />
<cfproperty name="parentid" type="uuid" hint="Parent content object reference." required="no" ftjoin="farblogpost" ftlabel="Parent Blog Post" />

<!--- implement modCaptcha --->
<cfproperty name="bCaptcha" type="boolean" hint="Flag for lylacaptcha." default="0" required="no" fttype="lylacaptcha" ftlabel="Captcha" />
