Google Maps

Google Maps

The installation instructions listed here are only relevant for version FarCry 4.x.


Embed Google Maps within your FarCry application.

Sample implementations include:

webDU Conference

Daemon: Contact Us

Dott 07

Video & Screen Grabs


You can grab the code base from the FarCry subversion repository: http://svn1.cvsdude.com/modius/farcry/plugins/googleMaps/trunk

Or a zip of the plugin on the FishEye site (bottom left): http://fisheye3.cenqua.com/browse/farcrycms/plugins/googleMaps/trunk


Add googleMaps to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,farcryflow,googleMaps" />

You'll need to get an official Google Map API key for your domain. This is a big alphanumeric keyed to your specific domain – so you'll need one for your development environment and one for production.

Add something like the following to your project's ./config/_serverSpecificVars.cfm

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" />
<!--- production server specific variables go here --->
<cfset application.stplugins.googlemaps.apikey="ABQIFFFFbsprD0qxxzsWeHnhPkBI3xRHvAt0JAzwc_e_MCA" />

<!--- developer/staging specific variables are overridden here --->
<cfset machineName=createObject("java", "java.net.InetAddress").localhost.getHostName()>
<cfswitch expression="#machinename#">
  <cfcase value="mydevbox">
    <cfset application.stplugins.googlemaps.apiKey="ABQIBBBBbsprD0qxxzsWeHnhPkBI3xy48YQjS2luDReiGlZQ" />


<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false" />

Then simply reinitialise your application and login to the webtop. You can create Locations and maps from the webtop admin, and schedule maps onto your pages using the googleMap publishing rule.

Plugin Components

Content Types


Publishing Rules



type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.