F Putting farcy into a template

F Putting farcy into a template

Templates are stored under the webskin directory and under the different object types. In this example we will be using a dmHtml content type. The template we will modify is the displayPageStandard.cfm. The first stage in this process is to include the header and the footer. My displayPageStandard.cfm. looks like this at this stage.

<!--- @@displayname: Standard Page --->
<!--- @@author: code:GAVIN STEWART (gavin@daemon.com.au) styles:Peter Ottery (pottery@daemon.com.au)--->
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/farcry_core/tags/container" prefix="con">
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/farcry_core/tags/webskin" prefix="skin">

<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/daemonHeader.cfm" 
<h1>Conent goes here</h1>
<!--- include standard Sidebar, we have to pass through the object structure cause it is needed in the sidebar--->
<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/standardSidebar.cfm" object="#stObj#">
<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/daemonFooter.cfm"> 
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">

Figure 4.1

Lets test if things are working. Log into farcry and assign the home page content item a template of "Standard Page" and test to see if the home page is now rendering the header and footer and displaying "Content goes here" in big letters. NOTE: You may need to refresh the application scope to see your template as an option. One way to do this is to add updateapp=1 to the url parameters. If the page doesn't look write check the following:

  • Check to see if coldfusion has thrown an error by appending &debug=1 to end of the URL. If there is an error then debug accordingly
  • Make sure the header and footer files are in the correct location i.e. the includes directory under the webskin directory
  • Recheck all your output tags. You might want to remove all white space control to make sure you are getting the page and implement again once the problem has been found

The next stage is to copy and paste some mark-up from a html page into the content area. My displayPageStandard.cfm now looks like this

<!--- @@displayname: Standard Page --->
<!--- @@author: code:GAVIN STEWART (gavin@daemon.com.au) styles:Peter Ottery (pottery@daemon.com.au)--->
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/farcry_core/tags/container" prefix="con">
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/farcry_core/tags/webskin" prefix="skin">

<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/daemonHeader.cfm" 
<div id="main">
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<!--- include standard Sidebar, we have to pass through the object structure cause it is needed in the sidebar--->
<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/standardSidebar.cfm" object="#stObj#">
<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/daemonFooter.cfm"> 
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">