Insert HTML Templates

Insert HTML Templates

Introduced in 3.01

The image and file widgets tags will look for the presence of templates prefixed with "inserthtml" (lowercase is required for case-sensitive operating systems). These are little mini templates that can be used to insert a special chunk of HTML with properties from the relevant image or file object selected.

The default action for inserting an image is to insert the thumbnail with a link to the full-sized image.  The default action for inserting a file is to insert a link that opens the file.  By default, if there are no "inserthtml" files inside your webskin folders, then you do not see a dropdown under images/files.  Remember, the "@@displayname:" line determines what the user sees in the dropdown so make this descriptive and relevant. 

Sample dmImage template

<!--- @@displayname: Image and caption --->
<p style="featurepic">
<img src="/images/#stObj.imagefile#" alt="#stObj.alt#" /><br />

Sample dmFile template

This example uses the FncFileSize cflib.org function

<!--- @@displayname: Full file link --->

<!--- include FncFileSize function --->

<cfif application.config.general.fileDownloadDirectLink eq "false">
  <cfset theURL = "#application.url.webroot#/download.cfm?DownloadFile=#stObj.ObjectID#">
  <cfset theURL = "#application.url.webroot#/files/#stObj.filename#">
<a class="file-#LCase(stObj.fileExt)#" href="#variables.theURL#" target="_blank" title="#stObj.description#">#stObj.title# [#UCase(stObj.fileExt)# #FncFileSize(stObj.fileSize)#]</a>