$Description: Button definitions for generic administration screen for content types, by typeadmin. $
<cf_typeadminbutton buttontype="method" name="name of button" value="some value, doubles as label" onclick="some javascript for event" url="some url" permission="some permission to check" class="some html to passthrough on the input tag" />
Button types:
default button types including add, delete, unlock, dump, requestapproval, approve, sendtodraft
custom; must have accompanying method or url attribute
todo: hidden; input type=hidden
-> [buttontype]: type of button (required); -> [name]: name of the button (required); -> [value]: value of the button, doubles as label (required); -> [onclick]: onClick javascript event for button; -> [FCDEV40:url]: url of action page; -> [permission]: permission to check for button display; -> [class]: class to assign to button; -> [method]: required if buttontype="method"
, multiple selections available,