$Description: Generic administration screen for content types. $
Related Tags and Notes
Pass in structures for properties and methods...
<cf_typeadmin typename="Daemon_Test" description="News Object" handlerRoot="/#application.applicationname#/handlers" metadata = "RunVerityUpdates" Properties="#stProperties#" Methods="#stMethods#" />
OR use child tags to build properties and methods...
<cf_typeadmin typename="dmNews"> <cf_typeadmincolumn title="Edit" columntype="expression" /> <cf_typeadmincolumn title="Locked" columntype="evaluate" /> <cf_typeadminbutton buttontype="add" /> <cf_typeadminbutton buttontype="delete" /> </cf_typeadmin>
OR a combination of the two.
-> [typename]: the name of the type (required) -> [title]: Title for the admin. Defaults to content type component display name. -> [description]: brief description of the content type. Defaults to content type component hint. -> [bFilterCategories]: display filter options by category -> [bFilterDateRange]: display filter options by datetimelastupdated, datetimecreated -> [bFilterProperties]: display filter options by LIKE on varchar properties -> [datasource]: application COAPI datasource. Defaults to application.dsn -> [permissionset]: prefix for a standard set of content type permissions -> [aColumns]: data for grid column data. Defaults to sytem attributes -> [aButtons]: data for grid button data. Defaults to basic set aDefaultButtons -> [query]: content object recordset to render. Defaults to all for content type -> [orderby]: data column to order content by. Defaults to datetimelastupdated (may look for URL.orderby) -> [finishURL]: URL to return user to on completion of activity. Can we default this to the current cgi.script_path??
If you pass in a prepared query as an attribute, this may be overridden by applying a category filter.
Selecting for specific categories re-runs the query rather than attempting filter on the passed in query.
If you are providing a data subset that needs to be protected disable the category filter option.