Bulk Set Categories

Bulk Set Categories

Bulk Set Categories


Blair McKenzie

  File Modified

ZIP Archive setcategoriesbulk.zip Download for setcategoriesbulk extension.

Jan 08, 2006 by Blair McKenzie

I wrote this code when I needed to organise my images. It will allow you to set the categories of multiple objects at a time. The interface isn't great so if you have any improvements to suggest, email me.

To install:
1) Put the zipped file in the customadmin folder of your farcry application.
2) Edit the customadmin.xml file in the same folder so that it includes the following menu path:

  <section id="content" mergetype="merge">
    <subsection id="contentUtilities" mergetype="merge">
      <menu id="categorisation">
        <menuitem id="bulkset" label="Bulk Categorization" labelType="text" link="/admin/customadmin.cfm?module=setcategoriesbulk.cfm" />