Brainjar Menus
Brainjar Menus
FarCry Implementation of the Brain Jar menu
Chris Kent; Jeff Coughlin (xCode fixes); David Whiterod
Recent Changes
21 Dec 2005: Uses ObjectID (instead of objectName) as the ID of submenus. This allows duplicate navigation folder names and removed the need to clean non-XHTML characters from the menu name.
The BrainJar menu creates a dynamic, multi-level, drop-down menu for your site. It's built from standard HTML elements using CSS to define the look and layout and JavaScript to handle the action of the drop-down menus.
Mike Hall gives a step-by-step introduction to the menu in Revenge of the Menu Bar.
- Copy _bjmenu.cfm to your site's includes directory
- Copy bjmenu.css to your site's CSS directory (example CSS as used on http://www.atlas.sa.gov.au/go/about)
- Copy bjmenu.js to your site's JavaScript directory (Copyright 2000-2004 by Mike Hall. See http://www.brainjar.com for terms of use.)
- Add the CSS and JS files in the head section of you dmHeader.cfm file
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#application.url.webroot#/css/bjmenu.css" media="screen" /> <script language="en" type="text/javascript" src="#application.url.webroot#/js/bjmenu.js"></script>
<cfmodule> the _bmenu.cfm file where you would like the menu in your page:
<cfmodule template="/farcry/#application.applicationname#/webskin/includes/_bjmenu.cfm">
The (optional) arguments are:
- startNavID default="#application.navid.home#"
- includeHomeLink default="true"
, multiple selections available,