Accessing CDNs in Your Own Code
A couple of cases where we've done so:
- automatically generating archvies and uploading them to S3
- writing a migration utility to compare two CDN locations and copy selected files between them
- clearing out a CDN after doing tests on stage
This section describes the public API of the CDN library, which takes care of things like ensuring filename uniqueness, figuring out how to move files between different CDNs, and handling user uploads. Note that ALL public functions are prefixed with "io" to avoid conflicts with existing CFML functions.
You can access these function at application.fc.lib.cdn.
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
file REQ | The file to check. |
Does what it says on the box. Checks a single location to see if a file exists.
<cfif application.fc.lib.cdn.ioFileExists(location="cache",file=sCacheFileName)> <cfreturn sCacheFileName /> </cfif>
Argument | Description |
locations REQ | A list of locations to search. |
file REQ | The file to find. |
Searches the provided locations, and returns the first that contains the specified file, or an empty string if there isn't any.
<cfset currentLocation = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioFindFile(locations="privatefiles,publicfiles",file=arguments.stObject[]) />
Argument | Description |
locations REQ | A list of locations that the filename needs to be unique among. |
file REQ | The file to update. |
Returns a version of the specified filename which is unique among every listed location by appending numbers to the name. Note that it is rare to have to call this function directly, as all functions which put a file into a CDN have options to enforce filename uniqueness. However if you wish to change how FarCry enforces uniqueness, you can override this function in your project.
<cfset moveto = ioGetUniqueFilename(locations="privatefiles,publicfiles",file=newfile) />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
file REQ | The file to inspect. |
Returns the size of the file in bytes.
<cfoutput>Size: <span class="image-size">#round(application.fc.lib.cdn.ioGetFileSize(location="images",file=arguments.stMetadata.value)/1024)#</span>KB</cfoutput>
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
file REQ | The file to return. |
Returns serving information for the file. The result is a struct - either: method=redirect + path (URL) OR method=stream + path (local path).
<cfset stImage = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioGetFileLocation(location="images",file=arguments.stMetadata.value) /> <cfoutput><img src="#stImage.path#"></cfoutput>
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to write to. |
file REQ | The file to write to. |
data REQ | The data to write to file. |
datatype OPT | One of text, binary, and image. Defaults to text. |
quality OPT | This is only required for JPEG image writes. Defaults to 1. |
nameconflict OPT | One of makeunique and overwrite. Default is overwrite. |
uniqueamong OPT | In the case of makeunique, this is the list of locations that the file should be unique in. Defaults to the same as location. |
Writes the specified data to a file.
<cfset stResult.filename = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioWriteFile(location="images",file=filename,data=newImage,datatype="image",quality=arguments.quality,nameconflict="makeunique",uniqueamong="images") />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
file REQ | The file to read. |
datatype OPT | One of text, binary, and image. Defaults to text. |
Reads from the specified file.
<cfimage action="info" source="#application.fc.lib.cdn.ioReadFile(location='images',file=stResult.value,datatype='image')#" structName="stImage" />
Argument | Description |
source_location OPT | The location to move the file from. |
source_file OPT | The file to move. |
source_localpath OPT | The local file to move. |
dest_location OPT | The location to move to. |
dest_file OPT | The file to move to. Defaults to the same as source_file. |
dest_localpath OPT | The local file to move to. |
nameconflict OPT | One of makeunique and overwrite. Default is overwrite. |
uniqueamong OPT | In the case of makeunique, this is the list of locations that the file should be unique in. Defaults to the same as location. |
Moves the specified file between locations. Note that when moving a file between different CDN types, this function moves the file to the local temporary directory, then to the target location from there.
Note that while every argument is marked as optional, in practice you need:
- source_location and source_file OR source_localpath
- dest_location and dest_file OR dest_localpath
<cfset application.fc.lib.cdn.ioMoveFile(source_location="publicfiles",source_file=arguments.stObject[],dest_location="privatefiles") />
Argument | Description |
source_location OPT | The location to copy the file from. |
source_file OPT | The file to copy. |
source_localpath OPT | The local file to copy. |
dest_location OPT | The location to copy to. |
dest_file OPT | The file to copy to. Defaults to the same as source_file. |
dest_localpath OPT | The local file to copy to. |
nameconflict OPT | One of makeunique and overwrite. Default is overwrite. |
uniqueamong OPT | In the case of makeunique, this is the list of locations that the file should be unique in. Defaults to the same as location. |
Copies the specified file between locations. Note that when copying a file between different CDN types, this function copies the file to the local temporary directory, then moves it to the target location from there.
Note that while every argument is marked as optional, in practice you need:
- source_location and source_file OR source_localpath
- dest_location and dest_file OR dest_localpath
<cfset application.fc.lib.cdn.ioCopyFile( source_location="images", source_file=stLocal.stInstance.thumbnail, dest_location="archive", dest_file="/#stLocal.stInstance.typename#/#stLocal.stProps.archiveID#_thumb.#ListLast(stLocal.stInstance.thumbnail,'.')#" ) />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to upload to. |
destination REQ | The target location. This can be a directory (in which case the filename from the upload is used) or a specific filename. Note that if a specific filename is provided, the function will check that the upload has the same extension and throw an uploaderror if it doesn't match. |
filed REQ | The form post field. |
nameconflict OPT | One of makeunique and overwrite. Default is overwrite. |
uniqueamong OPT | In the case of makeunique, this is the list of locations that the file should be unique in. Defaults to the same as location. |
acceptextensions OPT | If this is provided, then the function will check the uploaded file extension. If the extension is invalid an uploaderror will be thrown. |
sizeLimit OPT | If this is provided, then the function will check the size of the uploaded file. If the size is too great an uploaderror will be thrown. |
Uploads the a file to the specified location.
<cfset stResult.value = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioUploadFile( location="securefiles", destination=arguments.stMetadata.ftDestination, field="#stMetadata.FormFieldPrefix##stMetadata.Name#New", nameconflict="makeunique", uniqueamong="privatefiles,publicfiles", acceptedextensions=arguments.stMetadata.ftAllowedFileExtensions ) />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to delete from. |
file REQ | The file to delete. |
Deletes the specified file.
<cfset application.fc.lib.cdn.ioDeleteFile(location="images",file="/#arguments.stObject[]#") />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
dir REQ | The directory to check. |
Checks that a specified directory exists. All functions which write to a CDN use this function to check whether the target directory needs to be created first.
<cfset application.fc.lib.cdn.ioDeleteFile(location="images",file="/#arguments.stObject[]#") />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
dir REQ | The directory to check. |
Checks that a specified directory exists. All CDN functions which create a file already perform internal checks to find out if a directory needs to be created first. As a result, there is no example in core of a call to this function.
<cfif application.fc.lib.cdn.ioDirectoryExists(location="images",file="/#stMetadata.ftDestination#")> <!--- something here ---> </cfif>
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to check. |
dir REQ | The directory to create. |
Creates the specified directory, including parent directories. All CDN functions which create a file already perform internal checks and create directories as necessary. As a result, there is no example in core of a call to this function.
<cfset application.fc.lib.cdn.ioCreateDirectory(location="images",file="/#stMetadata.ftDestination#") />
Argument | Description |
location REQ | The location to query. |
dir REQ | The sub-directory to filter by. |
Returns a query containing the files under the specfied directory. The resulting query has a single field "file", which is the full path as would be passed into the other CDN functions. The results are recursive and do not include directories, except by implication.
It is worth noting that the "images" location is unusual in that it usually corresponds to the project WWW directory, and so a naive query to the "images" location will return everything in the webroot. In practice, listings of "images" should be filtered by /images.
<cfset qSourceFiles = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioGetDirectoryListing(location=form.source_location,dir=form.source_filter) /> <cfset qTargetFiles = application.fc.lib.cdn.ioGetDirectoryListing(location=form.target_location,dir=form.target_filter) /> <cfset stFound = structnew() /> <cfloop query="qSourceFiles"> <cfif not structkeyexists(stFound,qSourceFiles.file)> <cfset stFound[qSourceFiles.file] = 1 /> <cfelse> <cfset stFound[qSourceFiles.file] = stFound[qSourceFiles.file] + 1 /> </cfif> </cfloop> <cfloop query="qTargetFiles"> <cfif not structkeyexists(stFound,qTargetFiles.file)> <cfset stFound[qTargetFiles.file] = 2 /> <cfelse> <cfset stFound[qTargetFiles.file] = stFound[qTargetFiles.file] + 2 /> </cfif> </cfloop> <cfloop collection="#stFound#" item="thisfile"> <cfset queryaddrow(qFiles) /> <cfset querysetcell(qFiles,"file",thisfile) /> <cfset querysetcell(qFiles,"inSource",bitand(stFound[thisfile],1) eq 1) /> <cfset querysetcell(qFiles,"inTarget",bitand(stFound[thisfile],2) eq 2) /> </cfloop> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="qFiles">select * from qFiles order by file</cfquery>