Extending Profile with Departments
Extending Profile with Departments
Personally i think it's a good idea to add a departments type for dmprofile, now you can enter a department name, why not create a department type that is included as default in the core – Marco van den Oever
Then be able to select the departments through dropdown.
<!--- departments.cfc ---> <cfcomponent name="departments" extends="farcry.core.packages.types.types" output="false" displayname="Departments" hint="This utility allows you to administer departments." bObjectBroker="true" lObjectBrokerWebskins="display*"> <cfproperty ftSeq="1" ftFieldset="General Details" name="title" type="string" fttype="string" default="" ftLabel="Title" hint="Title." ftValidation="required" /> <cffunction name="getDepartments" access="public" output="false" returntype="query"> <cfset var q = queryNew("value,name") /> <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="q"> SELECT objectid AS value, title AS name FROM departments ORDER BY title </cfquery> <cfreturn q /> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> <!--- departments.cfm ---> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> <cfimport taglib="/farcry/core/tags/formtools" prefix="ft" /> <cfimport taglib="/farcry/core/tags/admin/" prefix="admin" /> <!--- set up page header ---> <admin:header title="Departments" /> <ft:objectAdmin title="Departments" typename="departments" ColumnList="title" SortableColumns="title" lFilterFields="" sqlorderby="datetimelastUpdated desc" /> <admin:footer /> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false"> <!--- adjusted code for department field in webtop/admin/users ---> <cfproperty ftSeq="32" ftFieldset="Organisation" name="department" type="string" hint="Profile object department" required="no" default="" ftLabel="Department" ftType="list" ftRenderType="dropdown" ftListData="getDepartments" ftListDataTypename="departments" />