Error Trapping
Error Trapping
Change the default error trapping.
By default, any error is trapped and shown the end user. This is great for development, but not so great for production. To change this behavior, edit the webroot/Application.cfm and find the onError function.
<cfset super.OnError(argumentCollection=arguments) />
<cfset var machineName = createObject("java", "java.net.InetAddress").localhost.getHostName() /> <cfif machinename contains("<yourservername>")> <cfsavecontent variable="errordump"> <cfoutput> <h3>Error Overview</h3> <pre> Machine: #variables.machineName# Message: #arguments.exception.Message# Browser: #cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT# DateTime: #now()# Host: #cgi.HTTP_HOST# HTTPReferer: #cgi.HTTP_Referer# QueryString: #cgi.Query_String# RemoteAddress: #cgi.Remote_Addr# </pre> <h3>Root Cause</h3> <cfdump var="#arguments.exception#" label="Error Diagnostics"> </cfoutput> </cfsavecontent> <cfmail from="<validemail>" to="<validemail>" subject="ERROR - <sitename>" type="html"> <cfoutput> #errordump# </cfoutput> </cfmail> <cfelse> <cfset super.OnError(argumentCollection=arguments) /> </cfif>
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