Removing Content Types
Removing Content Types
There is no built in method for completely eradicating a type/rule. But if you want to do it manually, these are the parts you will need to cover.
- Remove the cfc in packages/types or packages/rules
- Delete any include files. e.g. packages/types/_yourTypeName
- Delete the webskin directory. e.g. webskin/yourTypeName
- Delete the table by the name of the type/rule
- Delete tables named in the style of yourTypeName_arrayPropertyName
- Remove references to that type from refObjects: delete from
- refObjects where typename='yourTypeName'
Application variables
- Simplest solution is to restart coldfusion or perform an &updateapp=1 to re-initialise the application
- Otherwise set up a page to remove the type/rule from application.types/application.rules struct - there will be a key by the name of the type/rule
- Remove the type/rule from application.stcoapi the same way