Setting up Active Directory

Setting up Active Directory


A how-to and sample code for setting up Active Directory as your default FarCry user directory.


Download the attached ZIP and extract the two files to your machine.

  File Modified

ZIP Archive AD_farcry_setup.zip contains login.cfm and _dmSecUserDirectories.cfm

Jul 04, 2006 by Reid McLaughlin

First step: edit the _dmSecUserDirectories.cfm and add your domains NetBIOS name to the temp.domain variable. e.g.

temp.type = "ADSI"; 
temp.domain = "ourdomain"; //NOTE: NetBIOS name not FQDN

Save and copy the altered _dmSecUSerDirectories.cfm into your sites config directory. e.g. /wwwroot/farcry_oursite/config

Refresh your app after copying in _dmSecUserDirectories.cfm ("www.oursite.com/?updateapp=1")

Second step: login (as farcry admin) to farcry >> security >> policy...
In the "map policy group" the drop-down "Map groups from:" should show CLIENTID and AD, choose AD and wait... our AD has over 240 groups so this normally takes 25-30 seconds easy before the "External group to map from:" drop-down is populated with our AD groups.

The login.cfm in the zip is just a variation of farcry_core login.cfm.
After the app returns a userid and password as correct my login page checks that the user has a profile in Farcry and if not will create one using email, name and department details from AD. Take out or add whatever you wish from your own AD.