


$Description: Content caches blocks of code. This tag will handle cache nesting.$


<cfimport taglib="/farcry/farcry_core/tags/webskin" prefix="skin">
<skin:cache hours="6" CacheBlockName="topbanneradd" cacheName="#Request.section#" paging=true>
  • Leaving all the timeperiods blank will result in a permanent cache.

Url Parameters that the cache responds to:

  • url.flushcache: setting this will force a flush of all caches on the page.
  • url.pgno: (page number) will append the page number to the name of the cache so that you can have paging caches on the same content cache (for container archives / etc).
  • url.busecontentcache: this allows you to turn off the cacheing for this request for testing purposes.

CacheBlockName usage:
If you want to group together a bunch of caches so that they all flush with eachother then set this. It will take cacheBlockName and build a list of all the
cacheName caches that are sent to it, upon flushing, it will flush anything in this list when it flushes the current cache.


paging		: optional, default = false. If set to true, it will utilize url.pgno to keep page caches.
cacheBlockName	: optional, required if a paging cache. Char for the name of a block of caches that you wish to be grouped together for flushing.
cacheName	: optional, but required if not a paging cache. Char for the name of the cache.
flushcache	: optional, boolean - force a flush programatically, true flushes.
days		: optional, cache days.
hours		: optional, cache hours.
minutes		: optional, cache minutes.
seconds		: optional, cache seconds.
bSuppressDesign	: optional, supresses design output
r_output	: optional, return variable to put the cached content into.