How do I get better stats out of FarCry?

How do I get better stats out of FarCry?

FarCry stats go a long way, but not always far enough. v3 looks to be significatly improved, now tracking live sessions, etc. Unfortunately, my experience has been that additional stats software is useless, b/c in FarCry, everything goes through index.cfm, so the log file analysis has thousands of requests to a single file. You would have to get something that takes the URL params into consideration. The friendly URLs plugin may make a difference--I haven't looked at what is being logged, but suspect that now every request is going to go.cfm.

We do not reccommend using FarCry stats for high traffic sites, or sites that need a lot of analytical detail – they are just convenient for Contributors really.

Several commercial (and probably open source) stats packages manage parameterised queries. However, with the advent of FU's you can have logs generated that reflect the URL in the browser, eg things like /go/services/training, which are very easy to analyse.

BTW "whos on" report has been there for several versions (wink)