Category Management

Category Management

FarCry has a categorisation service that can be used by all content types to provide categorisation. This categorisation is used for all kinds of things in FarCry from filtering, publishing rules and more.

The categories can be managed using the keyword management utility found in the CONTENT > Content Utilities > Category Management menu in the webtop.

Q. Can the category order be changed?

Yes, in keyword management use the move function by right mouse clicking on the individual keyword item you would like to move.

Q. Can we restrict keywords to be displayed for a specific content type?

Yes. By setting a cateogory alias of the same name as the content typename the editing wizard for that content type should only display the branch with the alias.

For example, News content type has a typename of "dmNews"; by setting a category alias of "dmnews" on a keyword only that keyword and its descendants in the tree will appear on the News editing wizard.