Cache Management

Cache Management

The Object Broker Report provides the configuration and status of the Object Broker. For more information, read the entry for the Object Broker in the Developer's Guide

The Cache Summary screen displays a listing of all cache blocks within the system. Caching is used to enhance performance of a website and each cache is as assigned to a cache block to help with the management of caching. Each cache block is displayed with the following information:

  • The name of the cache block which is linked through to a cache detail screen which lists each individual cache within that block
  • Number of caches (displays the number of caches belonging to the cache block)
  • Expired caches (displays the number of caches within the cache block that have passed their expiry date)
  • Clean (a checkbox that when selected and the clean function run will remove all the expired caches within the block)
  • Flush (a checkbox that when selected and the flush function is run will remove all caches from within the block)

The cache details screen presents the following information:

  • The name of the individual cache. When clicked the contents of the cache will be displayed in a new window
  • Timeout Period (how long the cache is set to last for (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
  • Will Expire (the date/time at which the cache is due to expire)
  • Flush (a checkbox that when selected and the flush function is run will remove selected cache)

The Auto Cache function simply spiders the site to create content for the Cache Summary screen.


Be careful running the Auto Cache function on a live site as it will severely hamper performance.