Code Bases

Code Bases


FarCry Core and the popular FarCry CMS Bundle are made up of several, separately versioned code bases.

FarCry Core

The base framework. This is the root of all goodness.

FarCry Build Script

FarCry uses ant (http://ant.apache.org/) to build the system for distribution.

The build process' settings are controlled by the file farcry.properites. farcry.properties allows one to configure which plugins and projects and which versions of those components gets bundled into a build. In addition to the building of a distribution, the build script has rudimentary publishing capabilities via Amazon S3 and FTP.

The majority of the farcry.properties is self explanatory, but the plugins.tags and the projects.tags properties need a bit of explaining.

The properties plugins.tags and projects.tags are used to specify which plug ins and projects and which versions of those components should be include into a FarCry build. The format for both properties is a comma separated list of the following:

[plugin name]:[svn tag or trunk]

For example, to include the trunk version of the plugins for farcrycms and farcrygreybox, one could use the setting:


To build using a milestone tag of the same plug ins once could use the setting:


The same syntax is used with the projects.tags property to specify wanted projects and versions.


The installer used to create the base FarCry Core framework schema and sample web application.