Refactoring Ideas
Refactoring Ideas
Throw Down Your Refactoring Ideas
A general dumping ground for general refactoring ideas. Good place to list concepts and ambitions without the more rigid format of listing specific issues.
Moving to Plugins
- Reports Tab: All web stats reporting will be moved to a plugin; farcrywebstats. Removed from core v4.x; Plugin abandoned in favour of third-party analytic tools
- Verity Management: Application based verity configuration will be isolated to a plugin; farcryverity. This will allow for the future integration of alternative search services. The new plugin will also accommodate better support for clustered servers. Done FarCry Verity Plugin | FarCry SOLR Plugin
- RSS/XML Export; rss/atom/xml export services will be moved to a plugin; farcrywebfeeds. Plugin abandoned in favour of Type webskins
Moving to Content Types
- fqaudit: audit subsystem to be converted to content types and objectadmin interfaces. Done; moved to farLog
- configuration subsystem should be driven by types so it can leverage formtool technology. May extend versions.cfc to add roll back and archive features to config changes. Done; though no versioning is available for standard configs
- dmSec: security needs to be remodelled to convert tables to bona fide content types; dmUser, dmGroup, dmPolicyGroup, dmPermmission. Will allow us to immediately enhance all the security UI interfaces. Existing functionality to be retained. Done as at v5.x
- FriendlyURL Management; should move to a content type model. Need to refactor how Friendly URLs are generated. Done; multiple iterations in v5. and 6.x releases (FUs are awesome)
i18n Services
- Need to upgrade i18n sub system to latest components Done
- Reorganise resource bundles to accommodate formtools; will likely entail rebuilding the entire bundle. Done
- Allow bundle management by core, plugin and project. Done