v1.0.0 Google Analytics Plugin

v1.0.0 Google Analytics Plugin

Google Analytics uses the old style of GA tracking that goes at the bottom of the page. Seriously, upgrade to FarCry 6.x and use the latest if you can – it's worth it.

Follow the same installation steps as for v2.0.0. In addition, you will need to add the GA custom tag to the footer of your pages, see below.

Add GA custom tag to views

You will need to add the GA custom tag to all the relevant views you want to track. The best suggestion is to put the code into some sort of "footer" template that gets included on every page that visitors see.

<!--- import tag library --->
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/plugins/googleAnalytics/tags" prefix="ga" />

<!--- add track tag; ideally just above the closing </body> --->
<ga:track stObject="#request.stObj#" />

Note we pass in the entire object from the request scope; helps us deal elegantly with both individual objects and type webskins.