FarCry has the ability to integrate with a variety of rich text editors. Each has different capabilities and varying degrees of integration support in FarCry. We discuss some broad issues here and focus on the default editor tinyMCE.
You can specify the rich text editor to be used by your FarCry installation under the Admin > Config > General section of the webtop. Under the RICHTEXTEDITOR property type in the name of the editor you want to use.
Options include:
*no entry at all which defaults to tinyMCE in simple mode
*tinyMCE (tinyMCE in advanced mode)
*TEXTAREA (an HTML textarea box)
Q. Can I configure different editors for different users?
No. The editor is a global setting.
Note that all rich text editors have the option to toggle to a standard HTML textarea form control.
Q. Can I turn off the editor completely for a specific page?
Yes. You can toggle the rich text area to show an HTML textarea form control. This setting is "sticky"; the preference will follow you throughout the FarCry solution turning off all rich text editors until you decide to toggle back or logout.
Q. Can we reverse the default toggle setting? Ie. always show a text area by default.
No. Under the current system, such a change would be universal ie if we made it to the code base all farcry users would see this change. And most users want to see a rich text area by default.
Note it might be possible to set the default toggle setting as a configuration item. You could raise such an enhancement request in the issue tracker and vote for it if you are keen to see this change.
Q. Why do inserted images appear at bottom of the textarea?
This appears to be a problem with inserting content into HTML textarea controls. For example, tinyMCE should position the inserted image at the last position of the cursor.