Container Reflection
Container Reflection
Need to address the UI for container reflection management. As theming best practices evolve its becoming increasingly important to make container management as intuitive as possible.
This is a working paper for a suggested feature enhancement to FarCry 5.0.x
Current Container Reflection UI
Proposed Changes
Code Implementation
<con:container label="#stobj.objectID#_Body" defaultMirrorLabel="Body">
When a page is run for the first time the following container events occur:
- check for container of name "label" in database
- if none found, create a container with name "label"; note this typically is prefixed by objectid to make unique to the page
- check for container of name "defaultMirrorLabel" in database
- if none found, create a container with name "defaultMirrorLabel"; note this typically is descriptive as its used as the display label
- assign mirrorid for the newly created "label" container to point to the "reflected" container called "defaultMirrorLabel"
That is, newly created containers are always assigned a reflected container if this is nominated in the code.
Required Features
This is a basic list of features container management is suppose to address, in no particular order of importance:
- container can be unique to page
- container can be shared across pages (or reflected)
- container can be prepopulated when a page is first created without user intervention (currently done with defaultMirrorLabel)
, multiple selections available,