
The File Manipulation plugin allows you to remotely access certain files on the filesystem that you may need to edit frequently. Templates and XML files are currently the two types of files that can be managed.

Created on July 28th 2009

Tested on CF7 with FarCry 5.1.6 and SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL


Download and Installation

Please download the ZIP file from the Google Code website.

Installation: Add the plugin to the /farcry/plugins/ folder, and append the list of project plugins with 'filemanip'


Users will need the following permissions to access the plugin:

fileManipTab - to view the tab
fileManipTabXml - to view the XML Manager (requires fileManipTab)
fileManipTabTmp - to view the Template Manager (requires fileManipTab)

Further help

The plugin comes with a Help page integrated into the File Manipulation tab.

For queries, comments, or suggestions, please reply to the "File Manipulation Plugin (version one)" thread on Nabble or the Google Group farcry-dev, or send a message to the author, Phil Kemp