
The LDAP Userdirectory plugin facilitates the integration of existing LDAP or directories with LDAP interfaces (for example, Active Directory).

As of FarCry 5.0, all user directories can be defined outside the core. While the basic FarCry user directory (where users and groups are stored in the application database) is still included in the core, LDAP and Active Directory user directories have been moved to plugins.

LDAP Implementation

The LDAP plugin (farcryldap) provides a quick way to hook simple LDAP servers into a project.

Where to get it


How to install it

This is a standard plugin. Simply:


In the webtop, open the configuration settings for 'ldap' (Webtop->Admin->Edit config->ldap), and update the following settings:




The ip or domain of the LDAP server


If the server doesn't allow anonymous access, put the username here. Leave empty for anonymous access


If the server doesn't allow anonymous access, put the password here. Leave empty for anonymous access

User start DN

The distinguished name of the node that contains all users

User DN

The distinguished name to use to retrieve a particular user. Insert {userid} where the login should be inserted. NOTE: userid should not contain a '_'

profileProp=LDAPattr list

Maps LDAP attributes to profile properties. Should be in the form [FCDEV40:profile property 1]=[FCDEV40:LDAP attribute 1],...,[FCDEV40:profile property n]=[FCDEV40:LDAP property n]

Override profile values

If checked, a user's profile is updated every time they log in. If not, the LDAP values specified above are only used when the profile is created on first login

Group start

The distinguished name of the node that contains all groups

Group filter

The LDAP query that will return the groups a particular user is member of

All groups filter

The LDAP query that will return every groups

Group ID attribute

The LDAP attribute to use as the group id in FarCry. Group id's should not contain a '_'