Overview FarCry XUD

FarCry XUD plugin is a user directory which hooks into the internal directories set up for other applications. This means that you can set up users and groups in one application, and use those to log into all your websites.

This plugin requires FarCry 5.0


You can grab the code base from the FarCry subversion repository:

Or a zip of the plugin on the FishEye site (bottom left):


Add farcryxud to your plugin list in the farcryConstructor.cfm file in your project's web root:

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms,googleMaps,farcryxud" />

Refresh the application configs.

You can use updateapp=1 to reload the entire application, or you can log into the webtop and just reload config data:

  1. Admin->Reload application->Config settings
  2. Click Update Application

Enter the details of the external directory in the new config.




The name of the user directory as it should appear on the login page. STILL TO BE IMPLEMENTED


The datasource of the external directory

DB Owner

The dbowner of the external directory

Login Attempts Timeout

If the user has too many failed logins in the last XX minutes lock down the login form

Login Attempts Allowed

If the user has this main failed logins in the timeout period lock down the login form

Map the groups in the external directory to FarCry roles:

  1. Open Security->Roles and Permissions->Roles
  2. Edit each role
  3. Make sure each FarCry role is mapped to the appropriate external user directory groups. For most applications the internal user directory and the external one will have identical groups, so it will be easy to see which groups a role should have.
  4. Save the role

You should now be able to log into your application with credentials from the other application.