Rich Text Editor

Currently form tools only provides support for tinyMCE rich text editor.



Default Value


Array property in content type containing available images. Is used to populate tinyMCE's external_image_list_url value.

For example, aobjectids in dmHTML


The content type representing the image library.

For example, dmImage in dmHTML


The specific field or property in the nominated image library type that holds the file path for the image to be inserted. Note this can be overriden using "insert templates".

For example, dmImage.standardImage in dmHTML.



Defaults to a popular collection of plugins and settings.

<cfproperty ftSeq="12" ftWizzardStep="Body" ftFieldset="Body" name="Body" type="longchar" hint="Main body of content." required="no" default="" ftType="richtext" ftLabel="Body" 
	ftImageArrayField="aObjectIDs" ftImageTypename="dmImage" ftImageField="StandardImage" 
	ftTemplateTypeList="dmImage,dmFile,dmNavigation,dmHTML" ftTemplateWebskinPrefixList="insertHTML"

external_link_list_url is populated with the contents of the site overview tree by default.

Safari not supported adequately by tinyMCE at this time. You will need to use Firefox for operation on OSX.