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Here is a small example for creating your own User Directory that might be interfacing with some unique situations. Here there is a combined CAS for login + LDAP for group identification.

For the website I am developing, I had a rather unique situation in which there is a built in Central Authentication System (CAS) that takes care of passwords/userid's and things like that. On the other hand, profile information (such as First Name / Last Name) and group information are located in an LDAP system. Additionally, I had to first only allow a certain subset of users from CAS to log in, and secondly I had to separate those that could log in into two groups based on some membership data from the FC installation.


Hope this helps someone somewhere!


titlegetGroupUsers Function Needed!

I left out this function from the original CFC. Basically it returns a empty string. This for me is fine, since:

.bq getGroupUsers is used for workflow - when approval is requested for an item FarCry checks to see who has permission to approve it AND has an email address and provides that as a list to the user. (Blair McKenzie)


Code Block

<ft:processform action="Login">


                      server = "XXX"
                      port = "389"
                      action = "query"
                      name = "results"
                      start = "XXX"
                      filter = "XXX"
                      attributes = "*">
                <cfif results.RecordCount>
                    <!---No ticket and no session.ident variable:  redirect to CAS--->
                    <cflocation url="/farcry/core/webtop/login.cfm?ud=CASLDAPUD&uid=#form.userid#" addtoken="no">






            <ft:form name="useridInput" action="XXX">


                <cfoutput><input class="required" type="string" name="userid" /></cfoutput>


                <ft:button value="Login" />




Code Block

    <cfset session.loginReturnURL = "XXX" />


    <cfset session.loginReturnURL = replace( session.loginReturnURL, "logout=1", "" ) />


    <cfset session.loginReturnURL = replace( session.loginReturnURL, "&&", "" ) />