
FarCry Documentation Plugin (farcrydoc)

FarCry Component Documentation

The farcrydoc plugin is used to generate the static component documentation for the FarCry Framework. For details of libs, formtools, custom tags and more you can link direct to the latest export here:



FarCry Doc Plugin requires a minimum of FarCry v4.x to function.

FarCry Documentation plugin provides extensive documentation on framework, plugin and project based components. An awesome utility for FarCry developers that dynamically introspects your installation to extract oodles of information.


You can grab the latest code base from the FarCry subversion repository:

  • v1.0.1 (suitable for FarCry v5.x+) Download or

    svn checkout checkout https://farcry.jira.com/svn/DOC/tags/milestone-1-0-1
  • trunk (under develoment, suitable for FarCry 6.x)

    svn checkout https://farcry.jira.com/svn/DOC/trunk


Checkout or unzip the plugin to the ./plugins folder for your installation. Make sure the directory is called farcrydoc.

5,0,x or 6,0,x Installation

Update the plugin list in your project's ./www/farcryConstructor.cfm file.

Example ./www/farcryConstructor.cfm
<cfset THIS.locales = "en_AU,en_US" />
<cfset THIS.dsn = "fullasagoog" /> 
<cfset THIS.dbType = "mssql" /> 
<cfset THIS.dbOwner = "dbo." /> 
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcryblog,farcrycfimage,farcryverity,farcrydoc" /> 

4,0,x Installation

Add farcryverity to your plugin list in the farcryinit tag of your project's Application.cfm:

  plugins="farcrycms,farcryverity,googleMaps,farcrydoc" />


Check the ADMIN > COAPI utilities for any undeployed types & then restart the application.

Updating Documentation

Everything is extracted from component metadata, and comments added to the code base in a distinct style: https://farcry.jira.com/wiki/display/FCCORE/Auto-Documentation